Inbotiqa – Intelligent Business Email
A Tier 1 Investment Bank Capital Markets Operations Division required support with managing high-volume shared mailboxes. Departments including Trade Support, Settlements and Collateral handling Equity, Fixed Income and FX were split across multiple locations both on and offshore. Emails received by the mailboxes contained time-sensitive requests and instructions that required fast turnarounds with 100% execution rates in order to avoid fines and deliver the required level of service.
Mailboxes contained large volumes of unstructured information and tasks which presented a number of challenges. Structure was absent from the emails and the tasks contained within them leading to case-management issues as there was no effective workflow or method of tracking productivity and performance. Issues with a lack of case management, exacerbated by the varied geographical locations of the teams, resulted in missed deadlines, reduced productivity and no clear audit trails. For example, emails could be accidentally deleted leaving no record of them or any actions prior to deletion. Inbotiqa’s YUDOmail resolved these issues and delivered wider benefits. By assigning case numbers and creating threads of emails, actions and comments related to each case, significant results were realised. Clear ownership of cases with due dates and actions was enabled and transparency created across each mailbox. The real-time metrics dashboard also gave visibility to approaching deadlines and response times. This powerful case management also generated easily searchable audit trails of emails, actions and ownership.
YUDOmail, the Capital Markets teams had a 43% reduction in unnecessary email volumes. Same-day close-out of trade support questions increased from 22% to 85% and complaints were reduced to zero. In addition, granular reporting and in-depth management insights were enabled with the ability to track each case, real-time metrics and analytics.
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