Buy-Side processes are email-intensive and often require rapid deadlines. A large number of internal and external stakeholders are involved i.e. Traders, Middle Offices, Operations Service Providers, Prime Brokers and Back Offices, and there are significantly high volumes of emails between them in order to manage the post-trade process. Substantial numbers of processing and chaser emails are sent to complete trades, resolve queries and manage exceptions. Employee time spent on email management is a huge cost which is amplified by generic contact lists with shared mailboxes and no clear ownership of queries.

Faster turnaround times ensure SLAs are met, customer service improved and reputational and regulatory risk reduced

Buy-Side clients such as Hedge Funds and Asset Managers have high expectations for fast responses and resolutions to queries and there are considerable regulatory reporting obligations to meet and ensure compliance. Buy-Side clients report issues around email volumes, error rates, an inability to effectively monitor Operations Service Providers, a lack of ownership and accountability, task-management tracking, unsatisfactory turnaround times and difficulties transitioning to automated solutions.

Inbotiqa’s email case-management solution integrates with conventional email systems to resolve these issues. YUDOmail automatically threads all related emails, attachments, internal documents and comments into a single case. Case ownership and real-time status is made transparent, with 100% execution as no email can be missed. Clear audit trails are created with documents and files in a central chronological timeline. Automated and manual prioritisation of cases and the assignment of due dates and times is enabled, greatly enhancing communication and productivity and significantly reducing chaser emails.

The resulting faster turnaround times ensure SLAs are met, customer service improved and reputational and regulatory risk reduced. Adequate oversight of Operations Service Providers is also made possible. In addition, real-time metrics and analytics are clearly displayed in the management dashboard, revealing decision making, bottlenecks and providing in-depth Management Insights and a simple way to identify recurring issues and trends.

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